What happens now??

So someone once told me that the 30's is the new 20's... Whatever that means... Annoys me I can't remember who - but I am pretty sure they were over 30...

søndag den 2. oktober 2011

Sleepy Sunday


So - been a while... this whole move & new job business has kept me busy.. but now I am slowly returning to blogland :)

I will try and take a few photos of the apartment - not very exciting, or anything like I want to be yet, but so far it's just about trying to fit some of my junk into the 41m2 I have :)

Så, I have been blog-surfing, and found something that fits my energy-level perfectly today.. a easy way to start up here again, and not having to think about a subject :)


Me A- Z

A. Age: 30
B. Bed size: hmmm it's a fold-out sofa.. guessing 150x200
C. Chore that you hate: Washing up and dusting off
D. Dogs: No, mostly had cats, but gonna have a lill doggy sometime in the future :)
E. Essential start to your day: 1½ hours of chillazing minimum, having breakfast and watching tv before I have to get in the shower.
F. Favourite colour: Purple & turquoise
G. Gold or Silver: both, but gold is more glamour ;)
H. Height: 170 cm.
I. Instruments you play(ed): I have tried to learn how to play an instrument many times.. but so far failed it all :P
J. Job title: Office-Intern at the "Ministry of Science, Technology & Innovation"
K. Kids: Not yet, but hopefully sooner rather than later.
L. Live: Copenhagen S - but longing back to the countryside.. I belong in the country.
M. Mother’s name: Marian
N. Nicknames: Asser, Wims, Wimsy, A-strid
O. Overnight hospital stays: Never... as far as I remember
P. Pet peeves: Property taxes, ppl chewing gum with an open mouth, the complete lack of solidarity among ppl these days.. selfish bastards.
Q. Quote from a movie: "Shoes are for fashion, not function" Ugly Betty
R. Right or left handed: Right handed
S. Siblings: 2 older brothers
T. Time you wake up: 5.25 - then maybe snooze 10 min...
U. Underwear: Imma gonna vote for the comfy knickers ;)
V. Vegetable you hate: anything boiled all squishy.. and leeks.. yuk
W. What makes you run late: my lack of time-management
X. X-Rays you’ve had: Teeth and lungs
Y. Yummy food that you make: old fashioned patty shells and then I am an awesome baker :)
Z. Zoo animal: I usually just feel really bad for the animals in the zoo - the poor bears & cats in those tiny places. But I love the penguins, that you can see through the glass. But I still believe, that if you want to hold animals captured, then you need to offer them surroundings like their natural habitats, and big enough for them to have a quiet personal space away from ppl.

søndag den 31. juli 2011

Home is where the heart is... or all your junk...

Thank God - I found a place to live in Copenhagen for the next 2 years, while I do my apprenticeship at the Ministry of Science.

It's a very tiny place, and it's gonna get cluttered with me and aaaaaall my junk - actually I am hardly bringing any personal items, or furniture - I bought the furniture that was in the apartment - they were all fairly new, and saves me from buying any and dragging them up to the 4'th floor - so I am only bringing a small amount of my stuff - (so far 16 moving boxes) and most of it is kitchen stuff- cause thats the fab part - the tiny apartment has a LOVELY kitchen - it's just to die for really.. makes me not mind only having a tiny living-space, as long as I can have a nice kitchen :P but the stuff that is cluttering up all the maaany boxes is not my personal items.. but all my crafting materials.. hi hi... I have to have all my crafting stuff! So I have boxes stuffed with fabrics, beads, felt, yarns, cake-decorating stuff etc... And I have no idea where to put it :P

Well - I am moving in sometime during August - not quite sure when, but hopefully soon, so I have some time to get situated before I start work on September 1'st :)

I will be posting many pictures of the apartment once I get there - and the shop should get up and running about the same time - everything is packed atm.

Hope everyone is having a fantastic summer - despite the lack of sun in Denmark this year ;)

I will be busy in my cardboard-box fortress and my mountains of clothing.. scattered all over the place ;)

torsdag den 7. juli 2011

Mini Hama

Right... it didnt feel right writing in danish, so back to english, and hoping that doesnt exclude any readers.

Yesterday I got the package with the mini hama beads, and all I wanted was to make small owls as earrings, to match the rest of my "spring-theme collection", before I go down to the shop and persuade them to sell my stuff... gotta follow the trends, so thought a few owls would be fitting.

I saw on LaraLils blog, how she had her lovely husband make her a star-plate for her to make the owls on.. but after 1 hour of trying to make one myself, I gave up.. I just don't have the patience hehe.. so since I had to use the normal plate, I started browsing the web for owls made on normal plates - they were all either way to big, or just looked wrong with mini-beads.. so in the end I came up with a pattern i think works - inspired by all the different things in the ohter patterns that i thought worked - please feel free to copy - if you like me, don't have the patience, or a lovely husband to help ;) I took a closeup of the best pair, so you can see how I did.. phew, it's tricky ironing the mini beads.. some of the owls ended up looking a bid odd due to over-heating.. I felt big and clumsy trying to iron the tiny owls without melting them onto the plate :P

I think they came out ok:

I am still considering if they would be better without the wings at all .- just straight sides - gonna make a few in medi hama beads as broches, as a test - I quite like my new pattern.

søndag den 3. juli 2011

Lørdags loppe-lækkerier

Ja - det er meget fint at jeg prøver at holde min blog lidt international for de engelske venner jeg har som følger med.. men de er hovedsageligt mænd.. og loppefund og perlerier er de ret ligeglade med.. så den slags bliver altså på dansk nu ;)

Lørdag var jeg som sagt på loppemarked på Stendyssegaard ved Præstø / Bårse - og det var fantastisk.. rigtige priser med 5 og 10kr's borde.. weee..

Det var et flyttesalg, så hele familien solgte ud af ting og sager - de har en antik på gården, og derinde stod mor & datter, og der var alle de fine pusse nussede ting som gammelt legetøj og porcelænsbakker.. og priserne var som vi er vant til uhyrligt høje - men holdt man sig ovre i laden hos far og søn, kunne man finde en masse super lækre skatte til ingen penge - havde vi været lidt tidligere oppe så havde jeg fået mere, men vækkeuret ringede ikke, og vi kom derfor først 1½ time efter det startede.

Der var en rå-lækker retro lænestol, som trængte til en meget kærlig hånd, men farmand var blevet informeret og krævede 800kr for den.. der sagde mit bonderøvs-krejler-gen altså nej... de priser gør jeg mig ikke i.

Men her er fundene fra i lørdags - de blev gjort for 145kr, så jeg er godt tilfreds.

En kær gammel julemand, som den jeg kan huske vi altid har haft indtil han fik hul i hovedet - så han er dagens bedste køb :)

De fineste små dybe skåle, incl mellemlægs-servietterne - perfekte til morgenmad

Sukker og flødekande, passer lige til mit kaffestel med 12 forskellige blomstermønstre

En fin småkage-tang, og en yndig bordløber med applikerede og broderede blomster.

En plat mors dag platte - men det er mit fødselsår - så jeg måtte eje den hihi

Derudover fandt jeg også 4 emaljerede fromageforme - madam blå stil, i blå, rød, orange og lys grøn - men de skal lige vaskes af før de bliver vist frem hehe.

Åh - og så har I nok lagt mærke til det nye layout.. det andet blev for kedeligt, så jeg har rodet med det hele dagen.. jeg er ikke helt tilfreds, men killingerne er så søde - og lidt lyserødt er altid godt ;)

fredag den 1. juli 2011

What to do when lying in bed just isn't an option anymore

The last 3 days I have been ill... some cold/flu thing.... been having an annoying cough for months, and trouble breathing when I sleep (I am having tests done for that), but apparently that wasn't enough, so Tuesday evening my eyes began to sting, and the snot started running... Wed I went to work for an hour to redirect my phone etc, and then went home to bed... Thursday was spend in a chair in front of an open window sleeping (been so hot and clammy) and today I had enough, and went to work for 1½ hours to do some bills and sort the post before the weekend (Really I should have stayed home both today and wed.. but I just don't know how to he he).. so I came home coughing my lungs out, and decided to sit in front of my PC and do some crafting (yes.. that's where I craft these days.. no workstation, or even a corner of a dining-table.. just 70 x 40 cm.. if I move the keyboard....)

So inspired by the lovely Camille (once again) from Hverdagshjem , Laralil and Google-picture searches, I bough a bucket of Hama beads on my way home ( to get some different colours from what I had)and had a bit of good beading fun:

I don't know why Blogger tilts the pictures.. that's quite annoying really.... anyone know how to change that ?

Well anyway.. that's what I did today... oh and got a new Crime-book in the Library on my way home as well.. weee Simon Beckett made a 4th book!
Tomorrow I am going to a big flee-market - thanks to Camille (again) and her flee-market calendar link... Stendyssegård - it sounds fantastic.. moving-sales are the best.

Now I am gonna go prepare the lovely strawberries I bought, shower them with sugar , stuff them in the fridge and have the best breakfast ever tomorrow morning before we leave ;) Yes, Daddy loves old junk too, so he promised to take me tomorrow :) I hope he brings enough cash.. hi hi hi

Since last time...

So - it's been a while - but not much has been going on that is worth mentioning - I am still hunting for an apartment, this time in Copenhagen though - I finally got an apprenticeship, and I start in September ( in the Ministry of Science of all places.. very posh address there - only a stone throw away from the royals.. literally).

Otherwise I am still living among boxes and piles of clothes - might be one of the reasons I have had no social life for 2 years - while living here.. I would rather die (well that might be a bit dramatic.. but close anyway) than let anyone see me live in this mess.. but if I really put an effort into making this scenery work, and put my stuff away for good, it would no longer feel like the emergency momentarily solution that it is.. but like something more permanent - and then I might just die.. like the drama-queen I know is hiding deep down inside (well maybe not reeeally far down).

Right, well craft-wise I have actually done a bit.. well a little bit..

My cousin had her baby number 2, and since I last time knitted a baby blanket, I thought I would sow one this time - so very inspired by I made a patchwork blanket in brown, beige and purple colours, but instead of a cotton backside like Laralils, I made the back of super soft teddybear fabric.. soooo soft and lovely.

Ofcause I forgot to take a picture of it... was too busy stressing over the finishing touch (the night before I had to give it away), so I simply forgot - I took a picture of the elephant my mom made, and the owl I made for the big sister though:

and the baby was very cute indeed.. must get myself one of those aswell soonish ;)

tirsdag den 19. april 2011

Big spender

Hmm - while waiting for my latest craft-materials, and sorting through the old stuff, I am keeping myself and my debitcard busy... Today I went to a local flower-shop, cause a while back I saw some cupcake ornaments, and I wanted to see if they had any left... they did, I choose the pink one, and an owl that was too lovely to leave behind... I am not even sure these are gonna be for Christmas.. they might be my spring/ Easter ornaments!

And while I was swinging the card around anyway, I saw these lovely painted eggs - I really want some hand painted eggs with birds aswell, but among all the crafty stuff I can, drawing is not one of them.. I can do free-hand big odd stuff, but not pretty small things.. *sigh*... so keeping my eyes open for eggs with birds on, but for now I got these 3 butterfly eggs, also very pretty!

And.. another box arrived today - this was a very impulsive buy ( like most my purchases are) I was browsing around on the internet, looking for some painted eggs, when I came across a business, that apparently used to have a shop, but now only sells over the internet.. and after looking through their stuff, I found several items I have been looking for forever! I found a white display for my earrings and foam heads! I want to make a rack of heads where I can display all my lovely hats, but until now I haven't been able to find cheap heads.. I also happened to come across a lovely string-light with white birds, and a fish-net for my nautical bedroom theme.. next time I am ordering the fake seagull they had!

I cant wait to actually show you some of my crafts, and not just my purchases :P I also got a secret package today - something I saw, and instantly thought of someone in particular - just need the last bit before I send it off :)

fredag den 15. april 2011

yay - package arrived!

Ok, first I will have to admit that I Ebay way too much... Prolly a good thing I don't have a home atm - there would be no money for Ebay'ing then :P

So the latest package arrived today.. and this one I have been looking forward to - my new cute pink retro swallows <3 They are supposed to be for the hallway.. if I ever get one :P they could also end up in the bedroom - I am sure I could make them fit in with the nautical theme.. I was gonna post a picture of the birds and some recent projects, but all of a sudden I cant find the camera, and the one in my phone suddenly doesn't work.. So, I just nicked the picture from Ebay:

Ohh - and trying to trace the source of the birds, I bumped into this place - I could spend a fortune there.. unfortunetly it's wholesale.. and I just want a few of each - not 100£ worth :P

But have a look / drool like me.. sooo many pretty things!


søndag den 10. april 2011

Sunny sunday sewing

Ahh - the sun is out, and I am getting that summer-feeling.. can't be long now before I can get the flip flops out of the box.. but the air is still a bit cold, so today I am wishing I had a winter room where I could soak up the sun without getting a cold.

Instead I am gonna sit in the front room and get my sewing on - My cousin is pregnant with girl number 2, and I need to make the baby something for when I go visit at the hospital - the last girl got a knitted monkey ( yes, my mom had to help a lot on that one.. my knitting is still not past socks and scarfs).. and for the christening I made a advent calendar to hang daily gifts on... so this time I am making a duck for the hospital.. and still considering what to make for the Christening.

I found this lovely pattern on Ebay - it said it was an old pattern from the 40's, but when it arrived the copy said "2010" - so it's a reproduction.. never mind though - it's still such a cute pattern, and I bought some purple ribbed velvet for it.

So I will go outside and enjoy the sun while the fabrics dry.. oh I missed hanging the laundry outside to dry.. it gets that absolutely lovely smell of fresh air.. mmmm think I might do some linens later.. nothing beats a bed with fresh linens after you had your evening bath.

tirsdag den 5. april 2011

Blog on

So - I already have an other blog, but that was my first one, and I don't feel it went in the right direction, so I decided that since that was mostly about my pre-30-panic, that this one would be my "post-30-blog", and more about what I fiddle with in my spare time, and my interests... So there will be a lot about cakes, jewellery-making, sewing, knitting and etc. ;)

I am fairly new to the world of blogging, and still have no idea where to locate the kind that would be to my liking, but then I am so lucky that I located Camilles blog/shop, and she often blog about other good blogs (I am starting to see how this is a whole other dimension - Blogworld).

And then the best thing of them all - I read about "give aways" - and gift-swapping - ohhh this is right up my ally - I love making boxes for my friends - tbh they get quite spoiled sometimes - but I just love finding small things I know they would love, and posting them of in a little box every now and then (I have several boxes standing around stuffed with things for different ppl, or just cute things I find, and save, cause some day someone might like them). So I need to be a part of this swapping thing.